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12 weeks of elite rugby league strength and conditioning to prepare you for the best preseason of your career.


Including gym, conditioning, speed work, and detailed instructions, this program is flexible enough to help achieve incredible results even with different training schedules.

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Smash your best time in the 1.2km Bronco time trial this preseason with this 6-week conditioning program designed to pull serious seconds off your result.


Perfect for players going into a rep preseason or those who need a conditioning-only training program that seriously works!

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A collection of 12 intense off-feet conditioning sessions that will help improve your fitness without being on-field running.


Perfect for when training is cancelled, the field is closed, travelling, or getting extra work in without overdoing it on the running.

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A collection of 6 activation series for before training and gameday, targeting specific areas of the body to help you get on top of any troublesome spots before getting stuck into your work.


Covering Whole Body, Calf/Ankle/Shin Splints, Shoulder, Hamstring, Hip and Groin, this is a great resource for footy players.

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© 2021 jfreeperformance & Beast Mode PT Pty Ltd

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At jfreeperformance we are all committed to providing you with safe and reliable information.  As such, all reviews and testimonials provided are verified as strongly as possible.  It is important to understand that response to exercise varies greatly among individuals and that there is a substantial likelihood that your results will vary in some way from the examples and testimonials used.


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ACT 2911

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